Ethics Education

Ethics education applies to all aspects of the process of education, which either explicitly or implicitly relate to ethical dimensions of life and are such that can be structured, guided and monitored with appropriate educational methods and tools. Among the main aims of ethics and values education are the following: to stimulate ethical reflection, awareness, autonomy, responsibility, and compassion in children, to provide children with insight into important ethical principles and values, equip them with intellectual capacities ﴾critical thinking, reflection, understanding, decision-‐making, compassion﴿ for responsible moral judgment, to develop approaches to build a classroom or school environment as an ethical community, and to reflectively situate an individual into local and global communities with a mission to contribute to them. All this enables children to overcome prejudice, discrimination, and other unethical practices and attitudes, and at the same time shape proper attitudes towards themselves, relationships they form, society and environment.

What is this site all about?

This site is mainly focused on the dissemination of educational materials and tools for ethics education. Below you can find a plethora of educational materials and tools that we have developed over years in various projects and as part of our research activities.


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